Today I had the opportunity to go into a real radio station studio! I still cannot believe that I was on the radio! Me! Little Lexi Lyon from Parker! haha This music career thing continues to blow me away.
About two weeks ago, I got an e-mail from this guy Hoss telling me how he randomly picked up the Parker newspaper and read the article about me, looked my music up and decided that I needed to be on his show. On his online radio station he has a show called the Indie 500 where he interviews indie music groups and artists from everywhere and anywhere. So, obviously, I said I would love to come in! So there I was today, walking into a real radio station, still not really realizing what was happening.
So I walk in with my guitar and my manager (mom) and the guy who's sitting in front of the mixing board turns around "Hi Lexi! Hoss will be in in a moment." So there I was, feeling famous already. haha
And the funny part is I went in today thinking that I had, oh you know, 15 minutes on the air. Oh no. I had an hour! So Hoss talked with me for about 20 minutes at a time, played one of my songs in between and I got to play No Regrets live! They loved me! They were all so nice. Later they were telling me how online radio is really growing because it doesn't have the one limit that AM and FM radio has: it can be heard anywhere. He said that he has listeners from 32 different countries. Thousands of people probably heard me today. Kind of.. mind blowing. Especially since I messed up and said Mercedes Benz was a Joni Mitchell song. It was a Janis Joplin song. Everyone around the world was thinking "Boy, she's an idiot" haha Oh I sure hope not! But let me say I'm sorry and realize the error of my ways.
But anyway, here are a few pictures of the interview!
If you missed me live on, you can listen > here <
Thanks everyone who's made all of this possible. I have the best fans ever!