I'm so tired....
I thought it'd be a good idea to go to the yoga class at the YMCA today while Sammy was at preschool. But now I wish I had taken a nap. It was a good class, but the kids are running wild, I feel sick and I haven't had a quiet moment all day. I got home after I ran to get a few groceries after yoga with just enough time to shower and wash the morning dishes (I made pancakes). Then Sammy was brought home from his lunch out with Erin's friend, Kim. Then Sammy and I played trains for a long time. Then I got up and went to the bathroom and when I came back, he was mad at me. So he started throwing trains and destroyed the really cool track we had made the other day. So I decided that it was time to get in the car. I got him to sleep faster than I thought I would so I got to read while we were waiting in the car for David to get out of school. Then I ran inside and picked him up. Sammy stayed asleep until we got home. But he woke up when I got him out of his seat. I thought he was wide awake, but he headed up to his room. I tucked him in and told David to do some school work. I thought I'd .e free to sit and play my guitar for a little bit but then David said he was done and asked if he could watch a some cartoons. So I some in (they don't have TV. Just movies. Which is pretty cool) and almost as soon as I went back upstairs, I heard little foot steps running down the stairs. So I went back downstairs and asked Sammy if he was tired. He said no. They finished watching a couple cartoons and then we decided to go to the pond. At first we were feeling the fish happily but then they stared to fight over sticks and threw fits and I was kind of finished. So I continued to feed the fish until the bread and cold french fries were gone. Then when they asked for stuff to lure the fish in (they thought they'd lure them in and kill them with their sticks), I showed them that it was all gone. They decided it was time to go home. So we walked once around the pond and left, the little boys fighting the whole way home.
Then we got out PlayDoh. They played alright but still fought, as they always do with PlayDoh. Oh well. I sat near by and read my book. I didn't feel like I could do anything about it but make sure fists weren't thrown. Then the other kids got home. I was hoping they'd play with David and Sammy and I could get a little break, but Natalie played outside with her friend Emily and McKay played Legos in his room. He's pretty to himself and I get that.
Then I got everyone to play outside and we got a lot of neighbor kids playing too. Sammy scraped his knees a few times, made a fuss, got some attention and was right back to normal. They were all playing pretty nicely. And I just sat and watched. I wasn't feeling up for much so I was happy to watch. They looked happy :)
We ate our dinner outside. They asked why I wasn't eating and I told them I felt sick. They said that I might just need to eat but I assured them that pizza wasn't the answer haha
Then we went inside. Sammy went back to PlayDoh and so did David and Natalie. They were being so loud and yelling and fighting and I finally asked David and Natalie to leave. They asked what they could do.
"Yes. Anything outside of this kitchen."
"Take someone's toys?"
"Why not?"
"Burn a house down?"
"Just not this one."
"Murder someone?'
"Sure. Just not someone I know."
"Rob a bank?"
"I'd be impressed if you did."
By now they were laughing like crazy. They kept spitting out the craziest ideas and trying to one up each other. After that game was done, I told them to keep an eye on Sammy. I had to at least lay down for a little while. So here I am. Head pounding and will broken. It doesn't sound like a hard day, but it just was for some reason. I've learned a few things today though-
Mental health is strongly tied to physical well being- if I hadn't felt awful all day, I could have made the kids happier today. Or at least been able to handle it better.
Boys are born with one idea in their head: Capture and destroy.
I had a few more funny things to say about today but I forget them now. After I wrote that last part I decided to actually lay down. When the kids finished the movie they put on, I helped them all get in bed. They went to bed really easily because they could see I didn't feel well. Thank goodness.
Today was a boring post.
But then again, it's just friends who read this. Hi friends!
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Sammy wanted Mickey Mouse and a bear. He had already eaten the bear's arm by the time I got out my phone. |
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Natalie got a heart (..Take a bite of my heart tonight.. oh oh..) |
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A picture of McKay! Yay! I made him a swirl. It looked cool and I with I had thought to take a picture of it. |
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Here's David's face. He kept changing it up but he finally decided on a smilie with a handlebar mustache. |
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We looked at the bird's nest again today to see if anything had changed. No birds yet! |