First off, I feel a lot better this morning! Yay! So I can have a good day :)
Sammy is in the bath again. He loves baths so much haha
Another funny thing that I've noticed this week is that I find myself talking to everyone in a bit of a mommy accent. You know.. Oh heyy! How ARE you? Oh WOWWW! That's so cool! I bet other people understand when they see my entourage.
The kids are getting piano lessons downstairs. I feel kind of awkward because Sammy's asleep on the couch and I was just reading in the kitchen feeling useless and awkward around the teacher.. So I'm pretending to be busy or something now. Ha.
So today's been pretty normal. The kids went off to school and then Sammy had another bath. Then we went to the YMCA and he got to play outside with a bunch of kids while I sat on the bike for 20 minutes and lifted and stretched. It felt amazing! I promised him that he could pick out a toy car at Target after the YMCA because he didn't get up and bug David and stayed in bed all night! So we went to Target and he got another car from the movie Cars. We also got more candy prizes for the other kids because they were so nice this morning and they could definitely earn a prize by the end of the day. Then Sammy and I had lunch and played PlayDoh until we had to get David. Then we played PlayDoh some more and some more and some more and they just couldn't get enough today! But then Sammy got bored after McKay and Natalie got home and started to play along too. So we put in a movie and he fell right asleep. Now I'm playing guitar and trying to write a song. Songwriting can be really frustrating sometimes. I feel like I have a lot to say, but nothing's coming out right. Ah man.. I guess putting the computer away and playing would help.
I just did a victory lap around the house. Partly because I had to turn out the lights, but mostly because I'm awesome.
Sammy slept through dinner.
After dinner, Natalie and David went outside to play with the neighbors. McKay was playing games on my iPhone, so I pulled out my art supplies and started messing around in my sketchbook. Eventually, McKay got curious. So he came over and started collaging with me. His turned out really cool! Then David and Natalie came in and they got into it too! I love when kids get into crafts :) We only had one pair of scissors though so that was an issue. But it worked out and everything turned out well. Natalie didn't let me take a picture of hers though because she says it isn't finished. But here are McKay's and David's!
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Close up! I really like how this turned out. I'm impressed. |
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He wants to frame it. |
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Front side |
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Those things are bunnies. While he was drawing he kept saying "bunnies are falling from the sky!" |
Sammy was still asleep on the couch by the time I was herding the others off to bed. So while they were getting ready, I called my mom. I needed motherly advice.
"Mom. Sammy's been asleep on the couch since 5 and I don't know what to do!"
"What do you mean?"
"Do I move him or let him sleep there?"
"Move him now! Or he'll freak out in the morning. Either way he'll be up early. Do it after the other kids are in bed and the house is dark."
Good advice.
So I sang and read to the kids. We prayed and did a little "Sure love ya" cheer (which is a super cute thing their family does every night) and I got everyone settled.
Then I got in my pajamas and headed cautiously over to where Sammy was sleeping. I gently slid my hands under him and cradled him upstairs. I had left his door and his covers open and ready so I just walked in, laid him down and..
It worked! He didn't even open his eyes! I actually checked to make sure he was still breathing I was so surprised. I didn't wake him at all!
Then I did the well deserved victory lap.