May 12 5:03pm
So today is the last day to party! We woke up and I made ham and cheese eggs. They asked for bacon but I just couldn't do it. I made bacon yesterday morning and I just.. blek. I couldn't do it. They laughed at me and said it was ok. But then we did some crafts! McKay mowed the front lawn and joined us but by then Sammy was bored and played trains. Then we ate cookie dough, ran around the house (I timed Sammy and David as they did laps around the house. They got a kick out of it! Sometimes they're so easy to entertain). Then everybody started getting bored. Sammy and David wanted to swim at the YMCA. Natalie wanted to do crafts and McKay had to finish mowing the lawn and wanted to just play video games after. So I bribed Natalie into coming to the YMCA with us after lunch. McKay can stay because he's older and so could Natalie. But I forgot to bring a swimsuit so I needed someone in the pool with Sammy and David. When we got there, an angry teenager told me that Sammy had to have an adult in the pool with him or he couldn't swim. He had a life vest! I was right next to the pool! And there were THREE life guards for a tiny pool! Certainly he'd be fine. Just as he was about to throw a fit, a nice lady who was playing with her little girl said she'd watch him. So the lifeguard said alright and seemed to glare at her. It was like she was excited to see a child cry. What a jerk. So that really super lady played with him in the pool! She told me that she taught classes there at the YMCA and she wasn't some kind of creep haha I watched her anyway but, I mean, who wouldn't? Can't just hand the kids over. So they all had a blast :)
Then we went home and realized as we were pulling into the garage that the ice cream man was down the street! We yelled to McKay and ran out. He was pulling into a different street, but he saw the kids running across lawns, turned around and came down our street. He was so nice! Everyone's been so nice to us today! Holy cow! So they got ice cream while I snuck Sammy inside the house. He had fallen asleep during the ride home. Poor thing had to sleep in his wet swimsuit. I knew that'd be a problem.
Natalie still wanted to do crafts. David went upstairs to play. McKay got into crafts for a while, but got bored and walked off. Then he scared us both when he jumped out from behind the kitchen counter. He had put on my shoes, his dad's tie and was holding up a pipe cleaner as a moustache. haha oh man! Funny kids! I then told him to pose for a picture.
And of course Natalie wanted in too.
But then, sure enough, Sammy woke up while Natalie and McKay and I were doing crafts in a fit of tears. I ran in to ask him what was wrong and he asked for dry clothes. So I ran upstairs and realized that the door to his room was locked! I knew David was in there and I knew he was probably sleeping. So I knocked and called out. No answer. I knocked and called his name louder. Man he's a hard sleeper! So McKay grabbed a Lego speer and picked the lock for me. I ran in and looked around for him as I ran to Sammy's clothing drawer. Then I saw him. Asleep under his bed with Sammy's underwear on his head! Hahaha oh man! It was so funny and so cute and I just have to wonder what he was doing! But I can't ask. He'd be so embarrassed! So I'll just secretly tell all of you here :) Just don't tell David that I saw :)
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hehe oh man oh man |
A nest?? Nooooo idea. These kids are honestly splitting my sides today :)
Then I got to the toilet, lifted the lid and..
Oh! So the door bell rang just a bit ago and Sammy ran to get it. I ran right behind him. He had already opened the door and someone was bending over to say hi to him. When he stood up, he looked at me and said "No way!" It was Lucas! He's a friend from my ward last year at BYU. Here in Missouri! Weird! He was going door to door selling a pest control service. Super weird! He just happens to go block knocking in my cousin's neighborhood while I'm nannying for them! So we had a nice little chat. It was good talking to someone from the outside world. It was a good connection- life still exists beyond my child-driven world. haha
Finally got the kids down.
After McKay got most of the mowing done, he came in sweating and tired. I felt so bad! He's so little! So I told him we'd all go hop in the car now and get pizza and ice cream and bring it back. We'd eat the pizza then, he'd go finish and we'd have an ice cream party to celebrate him being done. I offered to finish for him, but he wouldn't let me. So he agreed to the ice cream party. He also said we should watch Tin Tin because I haven't seen it and they thought that was sad.
So we ran and got Little Caesars and went to Fritz's again. Man! Feeding and bribing children is expensive! I'm down to about $5 of their money and I feel terrible! I think I've spent about half of that on fruit snacks. haha Then we got home and David said he had to throw up. Luckily he didn't and feels just fine now. So yes. McKay got back outside and finished in about half an hour. It takes him a while to mow and I feel bad.. I wish he had let me help. But Sammy was so happy the whole day! We played trains a lot a lot! But about 5 minutes before McKay finished, he heard the other kids outside. So he set down his trains and played with them. I told Natalie to keep an eye on him and I zoomed off to clean up. I did dishes and put the boys' toys away before McKay came in the door ready for a celebration. Woo! I'm learning!
Then we celebrated. Tin Tin and ice cream. That movie was pretty cool. I missed some of it because, I mean, I'm the mom. I was up throwing stuff away, getting water, cleaning spills, and falling asleep (yes mom, it's a mom thing). But it was a good day :) I'm glad it's winding down, but these last couple of days have been the best.
David's in my bed tonight. So I'm hiding in the bathroom typing while he falls asleep with the light on. I can't try to sleep with so much light on again. I barely slept last night! But he promisses not to roll over on top of me in the middle of the night like Natalie haha Oh boy.
Good night!