Sammy has been quite a handful today. There haven't been any tears, but he's been quite the demanding little kid. I hope he's nice for his mom when she gets back. I just bribe him with fruit snacks and he tides over for a little while. Hopefully that's not such a bad solution.. At least for the next few days.
Their parents get home Monday afternoon and they've all survived! No one has gotten lost or hurt or cripplingly sick! They've all made it to school on time with all of their things and have eaten every meal. No one's run away, set fire to the house or thrown out a window. I didn't even beg my mom to fly out to help me! I call that a successful time so far. Now all I have to do is get through the weekend and get them off to school Monday. The first few days felt like weeks, but these last few days have flown past! Natalie even said so. McKay said that he didn't want me to leave yet. And Sammy even told me that next time mommy needs help, I can come back here. Haha oh boy. They're such fun kids :)
I promised the kids that they could sleep over in my room with me tonight. I finally got them all asleep. McKay is at a party still and I'm about to leave to go get him but I figured this would be the best time to write.
After David, Natalie and McKay went to school, Sammy and I played trains. Then we went to the YMCA! He loves playing with the kids there. When I first tell him where we're going, he doesn't want to go. But once we get inside, he runs in and forgets that he just barely said that he hates it. And afterwords when I go pick him up, he's so happy! So it's worth the fight to get in. But while I was in the gym, something funny happened. First I rode the bike for 20 minutes. Then I went to the free weights area. After I did abs, I started doing biceps and triceps. At first it was just me and a couple muscle men. Then this little old lady came over. She was standing around at first and seemed lost. Then she picked up some light weights. Then I noticed she was kind of watching me out of the corner of her eye. And she started doing what I was doing! Ha! When I told my mom that she said her world flipped upside down. I was a role model in the gym. hehe
Then later, after the other kids got home, we hung outside for a long time. They thought they had heard the ice cream truck. So I armed them with a few dollars and we waited. And waited. And waited some more. Finally I gave up and went inside to go make dinner and drive McKay to his party. When I got back, David had lined up all of his old toys on the drive way. The neighborhood was having a weekend where everyone has a garage sale at the same time and he wanted to make some money. I told my mom that when I called and she asked if he had asked his mom. I said no. Then she said that I should probably have him ask his mom. When I told David that, he decided not to. So I told him to put his toys away. I later discovered that some of those toys weren't even his! haha Tricky kid.
After that, I found out that we still hadn't opened one of the movies their parents had bought for them. It was Lady and the Tramp! So we opened that and they got to watch it for the first time. I realized that the movies I used to watch when I was little aren't as crazy and action packed at the ones the kids watch now. They're a bit slow and the kids get bored. So I made more vegan cookie dough and that kept them happy until the movie really got moving. It's kind of a weird movie I realize. Like the Fox and the Hound. You remember them as good movies, but then you watch them again and think "eh."
Then we all got ready for bed and headed to my room. Sammy and David made beds on the floor while the girls got the big bed. I read them three books and made up another song about them. They made me promise to write a full song for them. But that always gets them all riled up. So David and Sammy were bouncing off the walls- literally. They stuffed pillows in their shirts and ran around the room bumping into things haha It's so hard to settle them down but finally they realized that Natalie and I were trying to sleep and David started to doze off too. Sammy was rummaging around for a while but got bored and laid down. Then he asked me to bring him to bed. After I got him to his room and tucked him in, he needed to go to the bathroom. Then needed a drink of water. But I finally got him in bed! Hopefully he sleeps well. It'll be good for the boys to be in separate rooms for once. Then they won't wake each other up and fight in the morning.
Oh man tomorrow is craft day! The kids want to get pizza and watch a movie and do crafts with me. How cool is that? So I'll have to think of things to do with them, but it'll be fun. I'm excited :)
Alright I've got to run and get McKay now.
Good night!
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The little sumos |