Sunday went on pretty well. Did I mention yesterday that I got them to church 10 minutes early? The guy sitting behind us asked if I was the baby sitter. I said I was. He asked how old I was and if I was still in college. I said I was. He was really impressed that I had all the kids there early and dressed. If only he had seen what amazing effort it took and knew that we were only early because I thought it took longer to get to their church. haha
But yes. Sunday went on pretty well. I bribed the kids with the bag of treats Erin left. We made pizza for dinner and the kids have never eaten so much food! They love that pizza! Natalie even taught Sammy how to drink out of his little tea cup with his pinkie out (he stuck the pinkie out on the hand he wasn't using, but it was close enough). They were being so good and nice that they all got to pick one prize from the bag of treats. Then I noticed that no one picked up the Lion King DVD. Erin had told me that she bought it and that she didn't think any of the kids had seen it. So I decided that I got a prize too. I was good in church too! So we opened that and ate our Sunday ice cream and sat down to watch my favorite Disney movie. Sammy was the only one who got kind of bored. But he just went off and played with his prize (one of those little vibrating bugs that runs around. He loves them). Then it was time for bed. I still have a hard time putting them in bed. I feel like a jerk every time I tell Sammy that if he's not good he won't get a treat the next day. I know it's silly.. But I feel mean! I don't yell, but I feel bad every time I'm the smallest bit mean to him. Then when they were all in bed, we called their parents. They passed the phone around and all got a chance to talk to them. Then it was lights out. It was the earliest I had gotten them to bed yet! I was so proud.
The kids just left for school and Sammy is in the bath again. His mom said that he only really needs one once a week, but he asked for another one. They keep him entertained and I found the bubble bath soap. So he's basically drowning in bubbles right now and having a blast :)
But I had to just type something down really quick.
While the tub was filling up, I was reading Sammy "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse". When she said that she wanted to be a teacher when she grew up, I asked Sammy what he wanted to be.
"Uh.. A fish!"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah. A BAD fish!"
"Well ok but-"
"With pointy teeth!"
Then when Lilly said she wanted to be a suba diver, he asked me what that was.
"It's someone who goes under water and looks at fish."
"Ohhh.. Fish like me?"
"Yes Sammy. Fish just like you"
The bath is finally winding down. We're letting the water drain for a bit so we can wash the bubbles off. Apparently the bath got cold because Sammy just said "I'm like a popsicle in here!" He's a funny kid.
After his bath, we played trains and ate lunch. Then I went to a yoga class at the YMCA at noon and Sammy went to the day care. I came back and he was having a grand old time. So I went and ran for 10 minutes. Then I picked him up, he asked if he could play at McDonalds. So we went there and he got a little snack of chicken nuggets, or what they claimed were chicken nuggets (ok ok no soap box. I promise). He played there for a good half hour. There were a few more kids there that he made friends with. And there were two high school boys playing really nicely with their little brother. It was cute. But one kept looking at me. Then his little brother asked Sammy to play hide and go seek with them. Then the older brother asked if I wanted to play. I felt weird, but I said yes so I could kind of keep an eye on him. Then we started playing, the older boy was counting down. Then he started seeking. He was calling out for his little brother but I ran almost head first into him around a little corner. He said "Nope! Not Tommy. I just spy a cute girl." winked, and crawled on. SO AWKWARD. Did he not hear Sammy calling me mommy? I thought that would scare him off. (Sammy has started calling me mommy when he's happy. When he's mad at me he just calls me poopy pants.) Then we had to go get David from school anyway so I had an excuse to leave.
As we were walking out the door I asked Sammy if he made some new friends.
"Yeah! And besides- we're friends."
Yes! I reached a new level :)
While we were all driving home, my CD was playing, as usual. When the first song started playing again (you know... "I Don't Want To Be Your Girlfriend), Sammy asked me
"Are you a girlfriend?"
I laughed "Noooo."
"Well.... Are you a girl?"
"Are you a friend?"
"Yeah! We're friends!"
"Well then you're a girl friend!"
He's one smart kid!
Now we're home. We were outside on the swing and David noticed a blue egg on the porch. So we went to investigate. It was smooshed and broken and Sammy said it made him sad. I figured that it must have come from one of the hanging plants above. I got a stool and we looked. There was a nest f! So I brought the plant down and we all looked at it. They loved it! They want to check on it every day to see if there's baby birds. I hope they hatch while I'm here! Oh I'd love that as much as them.
Oh boy. Bed time is still a charmer. David and Sammy came in as soon as I pulled out my computer. Maybe ignoring them until they go back to there room will work...
So after the bird's nest, I made vegan cookies (but with real chocolate chips). That's so we could eat a lot of the cookie dough and make about half of the cookies. haha They loved them! Score! Sammy was asleep the while time I made cookies. The mixer didn't wake him up. The other kids were even running around the house and screaming and he stayed asleep. He's a very hard sleeper. Then I made dinner: Macaroni and a fruit smoothie. The blender woke Sammy up. But they all loved the smoothies! It was great! But the smoothie was the brightest color of pink/purple that I have ever seen.
Ignoring didn't work. Sammy is lecturing me on how I can't sleep in mommy's bed. Oop. Now I'm not allowed to his birthday party anymore. He's been telling me all week how I'm invited to his birthday party. "Everyone is invited to my party. Even the twin girls. But NO babies. Babies are not allowed to my party."
So anyway the bright colored smoothie! I knew it'd be trouble. The thought turned out to be foreshadowing of events to come.
Sammy and David just came in again.
As I was saying it-
And again.
So Sammy and David decided that I had to sleep in their room with them. I promised that I'd stay for a bit and we'd have a sleep over soon. I just barely escaped.
So! The smoothie! The kids were all at the table and making Sammy laugh. After he said the prayer, they all gave him high fives and I told them to be careful of their smoothies anddd... Sammy's got knocked onto the white carpet. They all jumped up and ran to "help". Sammy started wailing because he thought it was his fault. David and Natalie ran to get rags while I shouted at McKay to get stain remover and diverted his path. He came back with some while the other kids seemed to be just rubbing the bright purple color into the floor. I finally got their attention and told them to back away. I had this. Just go eat your food PLEASE. They all wanted to be helpful. (They really just wanted their prize.) But too many little hands being helpful is quite the oposite. So they sat down and I started spraying away. Only after I coated the purple carpet in the spray did I look at the label- laundry stain remover. Shoot. So I ran to get another wet rag and started scrubbing at it furiously because my biggest nightmare would be that laundry stain remover ruins carpets or something. Luckily, the stain came right out. Add that to the list of helpful things I've learned this week.
Then Sammy decided he wasn't hungry and wanted to play trains. I just wanted him happy. So I took my salad into the room where his trains were. He sat on my lap and played while my salad hovered over his head and I shoveled it all in. After that, the kids put on Cars and I did the dishes. Then the fight for bedtime and I read a book and sang to them and blah blah blah... Here are some more pictures from the week with them so far!
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Thursday lunch with Sammy |
Thursday PlayDoh |
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Found out about the "car trick" |
Finishing his nap on the couch |
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Helping David on his math homework |
Friday piano recital |
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I felt like one of the parents at the recital.. |
Painting Saturday afternoon |
Good night!