Thursday, May 10, 2012

Temporary Mom Take 8

May 10 9:48pm
Sammy slept through the whole night!  He slept 14 hours straight!  I have no idea how he did it.  But he's alive and well.
We made pancakes again this morning because they had so much fun with them the other day.  Sammy wanted "a pile of doggies", McKay and Natalie wanted swirls and David wanted circles for faces.

Then when all of the kids went to school and preschool, I got to go to the orthodontist and get my braces tightened! Woo!  Oh yeah did I mention that I got to have braces put on for the two weeks that I'm staying here?  My uncle that I'm babysitting for is an orthodontist so he said he'd close up the gap in my front teeth and take them off when he gets back.  So for two weeks I'm a mom and a teenager!  Yay!  I feel like people look at me and either think I'm a screw up or too young to be a nanny.  Bummer.
Then Sammy got home, played trains and ate lunch blah blah blah My day went on as it normally does.  We picked up David, Sammy fell asleep in the car, I got him inside without waking him up and then I worked out for a bit.  Then the other kids got home and I drew outside with David and Natalie for a while.  It was a beautiful day!  We had grilled cheese and soup for dinner.  Yum!  Sammy just wanted ham though.  He's a weird kid haha  Then we drove McKay to scouts and picked up some flowers at Schnucks (grocery stores always have the weirdest names) for Teacher Appreciation Week.  When we got home, we played trains some more (just for you, Andrew) and had to leave to get McKay again!
The best part of the night was actually right before bed time.
I got out my guitar and instead of playing a song, we made some up!  The kids were having a great time and we were all laughing.  They were singing most of the time but then I sang
"McKay plays Legos
Natalie shoots some hoops
David plays sumo
and Sammy just poops"
They thought it was hilarious and asked me to sing more about them.  So I said I'd have to write a whole song and it would definitely be a hit :)
Sammy had a hard time going to bed as usual.  But then McKay let him sleep in his room and he seemed happier after that.  Now Natalie is having a sleep over in my room and we're saying good night.
Good night!
<3 Lexi and Natalie

p.s. I read this scripture the other night that got me thinking:

"And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my bretheren, ye have done it unto me."

It just got me thinking- Stay at home moms are the most selfless people I know.  They spend day in and day out serving their kids and I think that's just great.  It's amazing really.
Thank you moms of the world!